Monday, September 28, 2015

Wine[A]Roo Review

What is the Wine[A]Roo? Only one of the best inventions EVER. Seriously. Whoever came up with this was  genius. Go ahead and check this product out on Amazon.

Have you ever gone to the beach or the pool and been like "Man, I really wish I had a bottle of wine right now because I HATE beer but it's not allowed"? I know I have. Why? Because it's glass. And glass breaks. Glass isn't safe. Especially around water, barefoot people, and kids. That's why the Wine[A]Roo rocks my socks. It is a plastic bag that holds an entire bottle (750 mL) of wine so you can take it with you wherever your glass bottle just isn't allowed!

But gets even better! It also comes with a clip so you can clip it onto your beach bag! AND it comes with a reusable spout so you can easily pour your wine without it dripping. Pretty awesome, right? I seriously recommend this product if you are a wine drinker like I am. You never know when you will need a way to take your wine with you. In addition to having one for yourself I recommend you purchase one for a gift because we all have at least one friend who loves wine just as much as we do! So why shouldn't they get to enjoy this product as well?

*I received this product for free in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.*

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