Saturday, October 3, 2015

Baltic Amber Baby Teething Bracelet Review

I have a two year old so I am well versed in the millions of things out there you can use to help with teething. When she turned six weeks old she started teething (I know, that's early, and it sucked!) so I did some research and decided to get her a Baltic Amber teething necklace from a local store. Baltic Amber is absolutely amazing.

Why is Baltic Amber such a rage with parents these days? The natural benefits from succinic acid when it is released into the body from body heat. 

Recent research has found the following to be benefits from succinic acid:
  • natural pain reliever
  • anti-inflammatory
  • improves immunity
  • stimulates thyroid glands to help reduce drooling
  • soothes red inflamed cheeks
I noticed on the days when my daughter didn't wear her Baltic Amber she drooled a whole lot more and was way fussier than the days when I made sure to keep it on her. So when I was offered the opportunity to receive and review a Baltic Amber bracelet from Amber Crown I was super excited. In addition to being used as a bracelet you could always put it on baby's ankle and put a sock on in case you are worried about them trying to chew on it if it's on their wrist. It is 5.9 inches long so it should fit most wrists.

This bracelet is double knotted between each bead so if the baby were to break it (they shouldn't because it is very sturdy and well made!) only one bead will break off and you won't have a huge mess or the concern of multiple choking hazards.

The company also offers a 100 day money back guarantee which gives you plenty of time to see if you think it works or not for your teething baby. If you are interested in purchasing this product then head on over to Amazon and you can purchase one for $11.97

Check out my video review on YouTube also!

*I received this product discounted in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.*

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