Sunday, October 18, 2015

Vanguard Safety Magnetic Safety Locks Review

As the mother of a toddler I jump at the opportunity to review new baby products especially when they are safety products. Needless to say when I was given the chance to receive and review Vanguard Safety magnetic safety locks I was pretty excited.

These magnetic safety locks are pretty awesome. Most child safety devices are noticeable. These however are hidden behind the cabinet doors and you have no clue it's a child safety locked cabinet until you try to open it without the magnetic key. The concept is pretty typically want to play with things they notice but they won't see the locks so they won't be drawn to the cabinets. Of course they are drawn to cabinets naturally but at least this won't add fuel to that fire.

These are adhesive with 3M which is a great brand and holds up really well. I definitely recommend these if you need to baby proof your home! It's perfect because you don't have to worry about using screws and damaging your cabinets. That's great if you are renting because then you don't have to worry about losing out your security deposit or needing to make repairs to screw holes.

If you would like to baby proof your home with these awesome magnetic locks then I recommend you head on over to Amazon where they have them on sale for $17.49 and this includes four locks and a key in each set.

*I received this product discounted in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.*

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